Principal Software Engineer
Aica Pharmaceutical Laboratories - Havana, Cuba - January 2021 to December 2022
MinIO S3
Team leader in the company digital transformation helping to develop multiple solutions according to the company’s needs and across several company departments and business processes.
- Developed the company marketing platform ecosystem, consisting in the main public website, Product Catalog Android application and introduced Strapi CMS to manage all this content dynamically.
- Developed a web app to track temperature, humidity and equipment use in laboratories where the release tests for medicine batches where done.
- Developed a Laboratories Management System to be able to track the tests and batches that are being tested inside all the company’s laboratories and emit the results digitally, allowing the company to remove paper and speed up this cumbersome and bureaucratic process, resulting in faster release of medicine batches.
- Developed a system for managing and synchronizing the process of signing PDF documents in a multi sign flow, with the objective of reusing the process on other company apps. Users where invited by email from a external application to sign a document and it kept track of it until all signs where completed and then returned the signed document to the original system that generated the sign request.
- Builded DevOps and automatic deployment infrastructure from the ground with Gitlab and Docker, since there was nothing implemented on this matter in the company before.
- Wrote documentation and guidelines for new developments describing the technologies, frameworks, development flows, integration for established services like SSO authentication and legacy APIs and overall everything that was required to know for maintaining or starting new projects. Including also documentation on specific projects.